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类型:恐怖 地区:加拿大 年份:2021 
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After a routine prison transfer crashes in the forest, young Inuit paramedic Melina finds herself surrounded by murderers with a mere 100 feet to climb out of a ditch to escape. When they are attacked by an unseen force in the forest, Melina's short journey to safety becomes the ultimate contest of wills.
  • 老人

    阿道弗·阿索尔,Louie Betton,Gerhard Bös,保罗·法格斯纳赫特,梅丽卡·弗鲁坦,Daniela Galbo,Eveline Hall,Maxine Kazis,Otto Emil Koch,斯坦芬·卢卡,Richard Manualpillai,Marcin Rogozinski,Marvin Schulze,安娜·乌特伯格

  • 致命之旅

    李哲民 ,吴光禄,金允智,裴秀暻,申元鎬,权芮恩

  • 恶灵

    梅根·梅西,斯宾塞·科克兹,莱克·希尔,Savannah Marie,Joey Arena,Kyle Ware,凯蒂·斯图尔特,James Tackett,Morgan Dayton,Chris Wilson,Tia Humphries,Jhade McClain,Abigail Parr,Daniel English,Michael Dickens

  • 暗之齿轮


  • 超窒然

    Moloch,Kristina Kostiv,大卫·布鲁克纳,Olivia Dean,Ildiko Preszly,Matthias Schmidt,Kris Santa,Josh Madry,Sebastian Gutsche,Ingolf Funke,Sebastian Matthias Weißbach,Sascha von Hinrichs,Michael Krug

  • 魔灵

    Ezra Dewey,Rob Brownstein,Tevy Poe