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类型:剧情 地区:美国 年份:2015 
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Upon moving into her husband's childhood home to help take care of his elderly relatives, Jean Copeland, an emotionally withdrawn wife and mother of two, becomes embroiled in an affair with a suicidal lover. Her husband, Gordon, is oblivious, too busy worrying that he's losing his most prized possession, his mind, after a run-in with an ex-girlfriend he doesn't remember. 19-year-old, Priscilla, is a fashionista desperate to become a reality TV star, while 9-year-old crossword fanatic, Otis, has fallen in love for the very first time. Otis (played by Noah schanpp) falls in love with Caterina (played by Caroline Mills) after, well, forever. With Gordon's father, Theodore, fading into dementia, and 95-year old matriarch, Vivian, desperately clinging to control of the house, the six family members, at five stages of life, distill the dreams, worries, and regrets, of contemporary America.
  • AR物语


  • 死里逃生

    艾斯提 汉恩斯·詹尼可 迈克尔·杜迪考夫 罗伯特·多诺万 理查德·加拜 Yvette Nipar Alex Ve

  • 爱的种子


  • 黄河绝恋


  • 每当变幻时


  • 十八个礼物
