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类型:剧情 地区:加拿大 年份:2014 
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It’s the start of the spring term in a small northern town, heralding swimming lessons, hanging out with best friends, new classes and new possibilities. But this year, things are different for 14-year-old Sam. While her friends are moving on, focusing on boys, experimenting with drugs, Sam is too uncomfortable to even take off her bathing suit in front of the other girls. After landing herself into trouble, she is forced to work as a cleaner at the retirement home run by her mother. Sam finds unexpected and unlikely friendships with two of the retirement home’s residents who end up teaching Sam a few things about growing up — and growing old. (Tiff 2014)
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    詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊,凯瑟琳·麦克马克,朱利安·格洛弗,德里克·雅各比,伊恩·哈特,克莱尔·斯金纳,大卫·哈雷伍德,萨曼莎·邦德,Marina Bouras,珀尼勒·赫马克,保罗·赫特尔,乔纳斯·卡尔森,梅琳达·金纳曼,Jesper Langberg,赫宁·莫里岑,索伦·斯贝宁,Jens Jacob Tychsen

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