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类型:动作 恐怖 地区:意大利 年份:2017 
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Special Agent Alexander Connor is sent to investigate a house, from which a woman named Sandra has made numerous 911 calls. Things become more complicated than expected for Agent Connor, as he finds he must also rescue a police officer who responded to the home 24 hours earlier. Soon, Agent Connor will discover a horrifying secret; that Sandra is one of LUMEN CORPORATION's donors and has devoted her house to the corporation; a house which has been turned into a research lab for atrocious experiments performed on human beings.
  • 目标一号


  • 灵异牧场

    Steve Berg,Erin Cahill,Kyle Davis,Jon Gries,Michael Horse,Devin McGinn,Matthew Rocheleau

  • 外八门之雪域魔窟


  • 极度恐慌1983

    Paul Naschy,Julia Saly,Lola Gaos

  • 地下

    琳恩·柯林斯,里戈·桑切斯,Josue Aguirre,詹姆士·塔珀,罗伯托·桑切斯,Thomas Chavira,尼古拉斯·冈萨雷斯,伊迪·加内姆,Andrew Burlinson,David Castro,Isaac Alisma,Sean Dillingham,Firas Lutfi,Dwayne Standridge

  • 绝望之桥

    Michael Paré, Robert LaSardo, Sarah French